Advanced EFM Concepts: Self Study Program
12 Contact Hours
It is imperative that OB nurses maintain professional development at the highest level in fetal heart rate monitoring. This program will allow nurses to maintain proficiency in advanced fetal monitoring, as well as enhance clinical practice. Self-study programs are ideal for adult learners because they allow for completion at your own pace. You also have the advantage of reading the material and learning it all, right in your own home.
Please allow 24-48 hours for registration to process
Advanced Fetal Monitoring 12.0 CEU's
This EFM book provides the latest evidence in electronic fetal monitoring and advanced concepts. Nurses will have the necessary evidence-based updates and critical thinking application for current practice and competency in fetal heart monitoring. Nurse Educators who teach EFM courses will find this book beneficial as a comprehensive overview of the updates in our practice needed to train your nurses across the spectrum from novice to expert. The test follows along with each chapter making answering the questions seamless and fun.
Please allow 24-48 business hours for registration to process
Who Should Take This Course
All OB nurses who want to remain competent in interpreting and understanding advanced concepts of electronic fetal monitoring.
Nurses who need to obtain continuing education hours annually specifically in fetal monitoring and or advanced fetal monitoring.
Nurses preparing to take the NCC EFM certification exam. You will feel better prepared and ready to test with reviewing this book and the comprehensive exam attached is a great way to review and prepare for testing.
Nurses that have their NCC certification in EFM or Inpatient OB and need continuing education hours in advanced electronic fetal monitoring.
Test, free resources,
& E-Book Included


This self-study program is just $50.00
There are no refunds, but money can be transferred to another course in same calendar year minus the cost of the e-book if that was already purchased...
or a 25% processing fee for cash refunds minus the fee for the book that was purchased.
Allow 24-48 hours for registration to process